What makes our toll solutions different?


If you are a dealer or dealer group in a state with toll roads, like Florida or New York, you’re well aware of how much money and time can go into the sunken cost that is toll management. And you know if you can recover a toll fee here, and save an hour of employee time there,  those small gains in the struggle against toll management can suddenly become significant at the end of the month. You may even turn a profit on contracts, helping your dealership get where you want to be.  

If you currently deal with tolls at your dealership without software like Dealerware to help, let me guess how that is being handled already: Once a month you have a stack of tolls that an employee has to sort through. They either go to the toll authority, reassign charges to customers, or just pay the bill, which can add up to tens or even hundreds per car each month, depending on where you’re located, plus the cost of employee time. 

Regardless of how you are dealing with tolls now, you might be spending unnecessary time and money to make sure those tolls are in check. Why not let Dealerware handle the whole process for you? Now, this isn’t some pitch like other toll handlers where there are still multiple different hoops to jump through after you sign up for toll management, we actually handle the entire process for you at $10 per vehicle.


How do we do it?

We completely remove the relationship between you and the toll authority, and we remove the need for any of your staff to do anything at all to recover your toll costs. We circumvent the need to track down customers to pay their tolls, which takes friction out of the process and makes it much easier on both ends. 

When a customer signs their loaner contract, their credit card gets put on file. When they incur a toll charge they are automatically charged the same way they would be on any other mobile app, it’s that simple. This leads to a streamlined process that the customer appreciates because they are in and out of the dealership with no surprise bills, eventually leading to happier customers and higher satisfaction scores.

You may be hesitant to start charging customers for something that you never have in the past because you’re afraid it might come off as trying to scrape profit from them. But realistically, you don’t lose respect for charging a customer for what they used, and the expectation that they are responsible for toll charges is clearly laid out for them as soon as they start a contract. You lose respect when you waste customers’ time sorting out specific charges, or if you surprise them with a bill a month later — not by asking them to pay for something they generally expect they’re responsible for.

Why are our toll solutions the best in the industry and worth the cost?

With other toll management systems, there is still a funnel that requires another account manager, with another support feed, and often still requires a toll authority relationship. This is much less efficient and leaves a lot of room for error, which can lead to upset customers and hours of phone calls trying to find the right person to talk to should you need to solve an issue. 

We have found a way to completely remove the need for you to maintain a relationship with toll authorities, and we manage everything internally for you. We set expectations upfront, making it very clear what we deliver to both you and your customers. Our service costs $10 a month per vehicle, and in return, we create the potential for you to save hundreds or thousands each month. That’s especially true for dealers in big cities where tolls are everywhere and more expensive.

Even a fleet of a dozen cars could easily rack up $300 a month in toll fees, not including the time it takes the employee to sort through them. Let’s say you can get $200 of that money back but it won’t come in for two months and you have to explain to 8 of those customers why they have a bill in the mail. With Dealerware you would have that entire $300 back in your pocket without a single minute of employee time spent. 

It’s obvious why many dealers have adopted Dealerware’s toll solutions. When a small addition could save you a full employee’s worth of work every month – and maybe even help your fleet turn a profit – it’s no longer a choice but a necessity.

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