More secure service experiences at Volvo Village of Danvers

How Volvo Village of Danvers adopted more secure data handling processes while changing their courtesy loaner fleet from a cost center to a profit center.


"Our loaner fleet is no longer something I have to manage everyday. The system manages itself and frees me up to focus on other parts of the operation." - Robert Kamal, Service Manager


Danvers, MA
fleet size



Creating program efficiency

Prior to implementing Dealerware, his loaner program relied on manual, unsecure processes. Customers would wait in line to sign paper documents containing their personal information that the Service team would then tediously staple and file away. “Handling all the paperwork took a long time and it wasn’t a very secure process,” says Robert.

Now with Dealerware’s mobile app, Robert’s service team has eliminated the paperwork, reduced the customer wait time to a few minutes, provided a secure and PCI compliant experience, and allowed them to recover the fuel and toll costs they were previously absorbing.

“It’s a fool-proof system. The fuel recovery alone pays for Dealerware,” says Robert. The service department recovers about $3,000 per month in fuel using Dealerware’s automated customer billing.


Eliminating costs

Volvo Village of Danvers was also spending time and money on tolls. “The cost of toll usage wasn’t our biggest problem. It was the fines we incurred when the bills weren’t paid on time,” says Robert about the headache of trying to manage tolls manually. “Since it typically took about a month for us to even receive the toll bill, let alone try to match it to the right customer, sometimes we were paying $50 for a $1 toll charge,” says Robert.

Through an integration with all North American toll authorities, Dealerware’s toll solution now manages all aspects of their tolls including vehicle registration, toll tracking, toll payment, and toll fee recovery from the customer.


Results beyond reports

The last problem to solve was tracking program performance and profitability. Their previous paper process provided no way for Robert and his team to easily monitor length of loan, utilization, cost recovery, and other important information. “We had no reporting. It was all done by hand,” says Robert.

Now the Dealerware Dashboard shows Robert exactly how his fleet is performing and how much costs they are recovering.



“Our loaner fleet is no longer something I have to manage everyday. The system manages itself and frees me up to focus on other parts of the operation,” says Robert. The cost of the solution is paid for by the costs they are now recovering and their customers are enjoying an elevated experience.

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